You know I am a cheesecake lover! I would eat it once a week if I could get away with it! This cheesecake was so decadent and addicting! I am really the only coconut lover in my family. My mom came to visit awhile ago and I decided I would make her a German Chocolate Cake, because we both love them. And because neither one of us can eat the whole thing on our own. Unfortunately, I was extra busy the week she came to visit me. And I didn’t have time to make her the cake. I decided it would be okay, we would just make a German Chocolate Pie together instead. After she settled in I showed her all of the options that I had for her to choose from. This is what she chose. I’m glad she did. It was an excellent choice!
I was playing around with Pic Monkey when I wrote this post. This is my first ever collage. What do you think? It’s all the Chocolate and Coconut Crumb Crust steps in one collage. Before you start making the crust line the bottom of a spring form pan with parchment paper. Wrap the outside of the spring form pan with aluminum foil. (Don’t pay too much attention to the way I did my aluminum foil in the pictures. I was trying something new and wished I would have stuck with my old ways.)
1. In a food processor, pulse chocolate graham crackers until they are fine.
2. Add coconut and brown sugar and pulse again until the coconut is fine.
3. Drizzle melted butter in while food processor is running.
4. Press crumbs in a parchment lined 9″ spring form pan. I like to use the bottom of a glass to press the crumbs good. And I like them about half way up the sides. You do it however you like.
5. Bake the crust at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.
To a mixing bowl add softened cream cheese, powdered sugar, salt, cornstarch, coconut extract and vanilla extract. Mix only until smooth and creamy.
Pour in a can of sweetened condensed milk.
This was kinda fun! I was glad my Mom was here to do the pouring so I could snap some pictures. It’s hard to pour and snap at the same time. Thanks Mom!
Beat eggs in a measuring cup. Gradually add them as the mixer is running.
I blended some coconut in my Vitamix for two reasons.
1. I wanted to show my Mom just how cool my Vitamix is.
2. My boys don’t like coconut and I thought if it was fine enough they wouldn’t complain. (It worked!)
Stir to incorporate.
Pour the cheesecake into the crust in the spring form pan.
Remember in your picture you should have parchment paper on the inside of the spring form pan and aluminum foil on the outside. This is one of those do as I say and not as I do instances.
Set the spring form pan in a larger pan (my roasting pan worked perfectly). Add boiling water to the pan until it is about 1/4 way up the spring form pan. I like to add the water to my roasting pan after it is already in the oven.
Bake. Let cool in the oven for about an hour, then on the counter top for about an hour. It’s best if you refrigerate it several hours or over night before serving.
The cheesecake on it’s own was so creamy and coco-nutty and yummy! But when it was drizzled in warm hot fudge sauce and whipped cream…it was amazing! I was going to set an almond on top of the whipped cream and hot fudge sauce. My hurried usual self forgot. So if you want this to be a Mounds Cheesecake forget the almond like me! Otherwise, add on to the top to make it an Almond Joy Cheesecake!
I’m glad my Mom ate a couple pieces and that my coconut hating boys decided to give it a try, and loved it! This would be perfect to add to any Holiday dessert buffet!

Almond Joy Cheesecake
- 1 1/2 c. Chocolate graham crackers
- 4 T. brown sugar
- 1/2 c. shredded coconut
- 5 T. butter melted
- 3 8 oz. packages cream cheese softened
- 1 c. powdered sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 tsp. coconut extract
- 1 T. cornstarch
- dash salt
- 7 oz. sweetened condensed milk
- 3 eggs beaten
- 1/2 c. shredded coconut
- Hot fudge sauce
- freshly whipped cream
- Line the bottom of a 9 inch spring form pan with parchment paper. I cut mine to make it fit perfectly. Line the edges with parchment paper too, if desired. Wrap the outside of the spring form pan with aluminum foil.
- In a food processor, process graham crackers until they are fine crumbs. Add brown sugar and coconut. Process until combined and coconut is fine. With processor running slowly drizzle melted butter in. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Set aside while you make the filling.
- Meanwhile, add cream cheese, powdered sugar, cornstarch, salt, and coconut and vanilla extract. Beat only until combined.
- Gradually add sweetened condensed milk, while still mixing.
- Beat eggs in a measuring cup. Gradually add while still mixing.
- Pulse additional coconut in a food processor or blender until fine. Add to cream cheese mixture and stir to combine.
- Pour cream cheese mixture into crust. Spread to edges.
- Set spring form pan inside a larger pan. My roasting pan worked perfectly. Add boiling water to the roasting pan until it is about 1/4 way up the spring form pan. I like to add the water after the cheesecake is already in the oven.
- Bake at 325 degrees for about 55-60 minutes, it will be a little jiggly. Open oven door and let cool in the oven for about an hour. Then let sit on the counter top for a few hours. Then refrigerate for several hours before serving.
- Serve with plenty of hot fudge sauce and freshly whipped cream!
This recipe was featured on:
Ann says
I saw the breakfast puffs on Pinterest. I don’t know exactly what they’re called. They’re made in a muffin pan, they puff up, & they have fruit, jam, or sausage in (or on them). I have exhausted myself, and I have exhausted your website. Please, Please, Please send recipe. I am helping to raise 2 of my granddaughters and am in a constant battle as to what they will eat. This recipe look interesting, and fun enough that all 3 of us would enjoy it.
Thanks, Ann
Amy Engberson says
I don’t have a recipe for Breakfast Puffs on my blog. The closes thing I have is my German Pancakes Good luck with your granddaughters!
Martha George says
This cheesecake is out of this world! Made it tonight and had to share with my neighbors. I also have a food site that I post recipes that I have found delicious and this will be mentioned for sure!
Amy Engberson says
Oh my goodness! I haven’t made this cheesecake for a long time and I think it’s time to fix that! It’s one of my favorite cheesecakes ever! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for sharing it!
Gina Alfani says
Hi Amy!
I’m a first time visitor from Link Party Palooza . . . this cheesecake looks yummy awesome. My husband and I love cheesecakes like you do and we will have to try it 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend . . . Gina
Amy Engberson says
Thanks for stopping by! I wish I would have added an almond to the top! Would have made it super cute and “Almond Joyish”
Joy @ Yesterfood says
Amy, I saw this at Pin It Thursday- it looked so good I had to come over! I don’t believe I’ve seen an Almond Joy Cheesecake, so you have my full attention, lol! Your photography is beautiful- it’s really hard to get good pics when whipping cream is melting, but you got it at the perfect moment.
If you have time, I would love for you to share this at my party, Treasure Box Tuesday, going on now. Hope you’re having a good week!
Amy Engberson says
Thanks for stopping by! This cheesecake happens to be one of my favorites! Whipped cream that is melting because of hot fudge sauce is a beautiful thing! I’m headed to your link party right now!
Joy @ Yesterfood says
Amy, I’m so glad you linked up- and brought cookies, too- you’re a dream guest! 😉 I have pinned this lovely cheesecake! 🙂
Amy Engberson says
Thanks for inviting me and for the pin!
Joy @ Yesterfood says
Amy, we loved this so much, it is being featured at Treasure Box Tuesday this week (2/25)! Thank you for joining us. 🙂
Amy Engberson says
Thanks for the feature! You can’t go wrong with the taste of an Almond Joy in a cheesecake!
Connie Mallard says
This looks divine! Just wondering though if substituting 7 ounces of Cream of Coconut in place of the sweetened condensed milk would put the coconut flavor over the top? Can’t wait to try it! (And since there is a pack of sliced almonds hanging out in the freezer, I think I will toast those and garnish the edge of the cheesecake after baking!)
Amy Engberson says
Cream of coconut would be divine! There is just something about sweetened condensed milk that I can’t resist! Garnishing the edges with almonds would be so pretty! I like to add one almond to the top of the whipped cream too. It makes the cheesecake look like an Almond Joy! I hope you try it soon! It’s one of my favorites!
caissiearlene says
dying to try cheesecake
Amy Engberson says
Do try it SOON! You shouldn’t live another day without it! It’s a winner every time I make it!
Margaret Macy says
I am mad for almonds!
could you use almond extract as well?
Or use roasted sliced almonds over the top…lol
how about ground almonds in the crust…
It really sounds almost too complicated for someone that has never made a baked cheese cake…but I hope to try it soon…very soon
sometimes you feel like a nut!! 😉
Amy Engberson says
Margaret, you could surely emphasize the almond flavor instead of the coconut flavor! Either way would be divine. I was scared to make my first cheesecake baked in a steam bath too. It wasn’t as hard as I thought and worth the little bit of extra effort! Good luck!
Cynthia says
Hi im actually making this today for Turkey Day tomorrow. Can you tell me approx how many cup(s) is half a coconut. I bought the shredded one in a bag. Thank you!
Amy Engberson says
So sorry! It’s supposed to be 1/2 a CUP of coconut! That might help! I’m excited for you to make, and eat, this! Happy Thanksgiving!
PAreporter says
Looks delicious! Just wondering why you call it Almond Joy when there are no almonds listed. Are they missing from the ingredients?
Amy Engberson says
The plan in the beginning was to set an almond on top of the whipped topping and hot fudge sauce.Then in my best multitasking mom efforts, I forgot to put the almond on there when I was taking pictures. So, if you like Mounds…leave it as is…if you like Almond Joy’s add an almond! Either way, I hope you enjoy it!
Chris Dowdican says
Hi Amy, this looks so delicious I can’t wait to make it! I just have 1 question. Where are the Almonds? Without those then It’s just a Mounds Cheesecake, which would be wonderful too. Just curious 🙂
Amy Engberson says
When I eat an Almond Joy I always eat around the almond saving it for last. I’m equally in love with Mounds too! I planned to add an almond to the top, and forgot when I took pictures. However, when I served it to my family I remembered the Almond, and it was delicious and cute too! The Mounds version would be to die for too!
mary beth says
My husbands favorite candy bar is the Almond Joy, so you can bet I will be making this very soon! I can’t find the link for you’re email feed. Can you please tell me how I can receive you’re posts in my in box. Thank you, Mary Beth P.S. Or did I just find it at the bottom of this Post Comment–link?
Pyper says
Ooo, my boys would LOVE this! They are both fans of Almond Joy. Definitely have to try this one! (If and when I ever make dessert:))
Amy Engberson says
I did not know that Matt liked coconut. You will definitely have to try this one out! I only shared because I wanted to be able to zip my jeans up!
Denise Routson says
I think I just gained 10 pounds looking at this cheese cake! But, with that being said, I think I need to make it! Haha!
Amy Engberson says
That’s why I was so glad to share some with my mom! She can work it off instead of me!
Britni says
Hi Amy! I just wanted to stop to let you know that you’ve been featured on the weekend re-Treat link party this week, congrats! Thanks for linking up. I hope you’ll stop by to check out the other features and link up again tonight at 7PM EST.
Elaine Duckett says
I wondered when this recipe we made together would show up on your blog.
You made a believer out of me, it is way better to just use the 3 packages of cream cheese like the recipe calls for and enjoy. The store will sell more.
Thanks for making and sharing the almond joy cheesecake with me. It was delicious.
Karen says
you won’t believe it but I dreamed of making a pie something like this recently and thought I had to start searching for a recipe as I was sure I would be able to find one and low and behold here it is!